Growing up in Holland means growing up with Indonesian food. Holland may not have a strong culinary identity itself but because of its colonial past it has very close ties with the Indonesian kitchen.
Wherever you are in Holland you will find Indonesian toko's and restaurants. The Indonesian kitchen in Holland is known for one meal especially: The Rijst Tafel.
Rijst Tafel literally means 'Rice Table' and is a meal best shared with friends,family or colleagues. Because it really is a collection of several -up to 25- different dishes it really gives meaning to the phrase 'the more, the merrier'.
Sander started cooking simple rijst tafels is Holland but has really expanded on this in New York. Recently he has been cooking his way through Beb Vuijk's 'Groot Indonesisch Kookboek' - the comprhensive Indonesian cooking bible.
Crosby Street Kitchen offers rijst tafels for private dinners and events of 6 or more guests.